Kamis, 31 Desember 2015

Teaching Listening

Podcasting for Teaching Listening

In teaching English, listening become the most important aspects as the basic skill that we must be overbearingly. in teaching listening skills there are a lot of media that can be involved such as song/music, videos, and podcast. what is actually podcast?

Podcasting is the latest in on-the-go, on-demand technology. Basically, a podcast is a digital recording of audio or web/visual content (like a web conference, radio program or music), made available on the Internet for downloading to a personal computer or MP3 player. 

This is my group project using Podcast that talking about culture shock

Teaching Writing and Technology

Teaching Writing Using Google Drive

Nowadays, technology has a important role in teaching and learning English especially teaching writing. Up till now, almost all teacher teaching writing conventionally in which require a lot time to make correction and another complicated ways. But, don't be worry about it !! Since there is technology in Education, there are some tools that might be available out there that can be used to better teach writing such as Google Drive. 

There are some tool that be used to teach collaborative writing. Below are some of the best tools to teach writing as collaborative writing process, one in which every student's voice is considered by composing, editing, peer commenting and also sharing.
1. Zoho Doc
2. Titan Pad
Below are my group project about collaborative writing by using Google Drive

And this is the final result of our collaborative writing

Source: https://www.routledge.com/education/collections/873

Rabu, 30 Desember 2015

Technology help teaching reading

Toondoo, Let's be creative creating own comic !!

As a teacher, we are demanded to be creative teacher who make students more interested in our teaching. When you as the teacher want to improve students skill such as reading skill without make all students fed up by reading a passage along the lesson going on, don't be worry also don't make yourself frustating to think the way. By using comics in the classroom may be one of the more original things you can do to help broaden learning experience of your students. You can use "Toondoo" to make comic with your own creativity to make students interested in. 

ToonDoo is the cool, fun, online comic strip creator that lets you create your own comic strips with just a few clicks, drag & drops. Don't be doubt!! by using Toondoo teacher can express thought and feeling through the powerful comic. With ToonDoo, you can do much more than just create toons! You can also publish, share, discuss, recommend, bookmark and embed your creations anywhere on the internet!

This is my Toondoo project: http://www.toondoo.com/View.toon?param=9477985

Sources: www.toondoospaces.com/schoolsbrochure.pdf 

Blog in English Teaching

Blogging, which is becoming increasingly popular as a language learning tool. what is blog?A blog (weblog) is frequently updated website that often resemble an online journal. In blog it can also display photos and audio and also video in which make learning process more interesting.

Popplet organize your ideas

 Try Use POPPLET now!!

Have you ever given assignment by your teacher to create mind mapping? Do you still create that traditionally by drawing in the paper with color pencils? don't worry to create by needing a lot of time, don't even waste your time. Now, you can use "POPPLET" with your own creativity to create and organize your ideas ^_^

Timeline creation tool for you!!

Tiki-Toki for Timeline

 For you,, all students that have assignment to make timeline don't worry!! you can utilize Tiki-Toki application ^_^

Tiki-Toki is a timeline-creation tool that allows users to plot a visually appealing and media-rich chronology. Users can add video clips, images, audio, hyperlinks, from their own files or from the Web and embed the media files and text within the timeline. In Tiki-Toki using you can also cuztomize the appearance by changing the background image , layout, color and timeline duration through Setting tab.

Technology in Education

Technology in Education

Technology in education is the study of technology in which students learn more about the process and knowledge that integrated in technology using. 


Video 1: The history of technology in education
            Spending thousand years in finding sophisticated technology like nowadays. Education also grows very fast and technology used in education always keeps up with adjusting the period. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFwWWsz_X9s)

Video 2: A vision of students today
In this video is applying traditional classroom in which teacher talking time done much more. Teacher just giving theoretical explanation in the classroom that causes almost the students will get bored and also less practice. Teacher just explains and explains and students never practice their knowledge so that they feel useless. Moreover, students never understand exactly what the purpose of their knowledge they get in their life. They just do it as the obligation as a student in the class that always follow teacher’s rule in the class. It can be concluded that students prefer spending time on technology to read books, they like read social media, twitter, Facebook and other web pages. It reminds me as a student teacher, it will be better if we can create innovation that make students don’t get bored in the class. The most important, as a student teacher we must be creative in utilizing technology also can give motivation for students. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGCJ46vyR9o&feature=related)

what is Netiquette

Netiquette is important especially for internet users. As we know that internet as a community to share a lot of information that enable all the things to be exposed. So netiquette (networking etiquette) will be needed as the basic role for internet users. So, what is actually Nettiquette?
Netiquette covers not only rules of behavior during discussions but also guidelines that reflect the unique electronic nature of the medium. Netiquette usually is enforced by fellow users who are quick to point out infractions of netiquette rules. The summary of email rules in the information below is based on published sources such as Shea's (2004) online book, Netiquette. The word netiquette is a combination of ’net’ (from internet) and ’etiquette’. It means respecting other users’ views and displaying common courtesy when posting your views to online discussion groups. (http://www.bbc.co.uk/webwise/guides/about-netiquette)

Some cases that we found for example a lot of people without knowing netiquette write/share something in social media with their own opinion and unconsciously it be harmful other people. I think that almost Indonesian society lack of understanding what is netiquette and how to apply it in the real situation when using internet. Hope that there is socialization to introduce deeper how important netiquette for net users especially for Indonesian.

Selasa, 29 Desember 2015

About Author

Alhamdulillah..Thankyou for giving me wonderful life, ALLAH !!!
Hai, I am Suryani Cahya Ningrum. Yani...all of them usually call me.

I was born in Mojokerto on March, 12th 1994 as the first daughter in my family. I am a student teacher at English teacher Education department State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya. I have a brother who like also about technology. So, I've learn more about information technology to him. I prefer learning Science to Learning English actually, but I try to learn and learn more about English. Moreover, learning and teaching English is interesting especially teaching English that is integrated in technology. That's so awesome to be learnt. So, in CALL course I learn more about those that I never known before. I get  a lot of new knowledge. Feeling enjoy to learn English by integrating in technology. Let's make enjoy learning using information technology and also don't forget to learn and learn more !!!